miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

Lo mas bonito que me han podido escribir

Como VACA porque tequiero muuuuuuuuuuuuuuucho;
como GALLINA xq te quiero contodo mi CoCoCoCocorazón;
como PATO xq CuaCuaCuaCuando me necesites estare a tu lado
y como Cerdito xqHoyHoyHoyhoy te quiero mas que Nunca.

Eres la razon x la q sigo en Guerras Tribales!
Eres la razon x la q sigo jugando a pesar de q mi salud se deteriora.
Eres la razon x la q sigo queriendo ser mejor cada dia

Soy un loco enamorado de una niña tan bella...!
Te metistes en lo mas profundo de mi corazon y no quiero q salgas nunca de aqui.

Aqui siempre estara tu lobito para cuidarte!

Te amo como nunca

Attm... The Wolf Fenrir

martes, 21 de junio de 2011

No se como...

A pesar de que a veces
no te diga lo mucho que te quiero
A pesar de no demostrarte todo lo que siento
te amo como te ame desde el primer dia que te vi

Todo fue tan corto
todo fue tan dulce
todo fue tan lindo
quisiera que volvieras
quisiera que me amaras
aprendi a amarte
aprendi a quererte...

Como olvidarte si eres lo mas lindo que me ha podido pasar?
como olvidarte si los momentos mas felices de mi vida fueron contigo?
como olvidarte si cuando sonreia estabas a mi lado sonriendo conmigo?
como olvidarte sabiendo que existes y cuando mira a un lugar donde no estas te veo?

Olvidarte es borrar mi mente,
olvidarte es no existir,
olvidarte es morir,
no quiero una vida sin ti,
por eso es imposible que te olvide
No se olvidarte...
Queria olvidarte y me compre un libro
en su primera pagina decia:
'No se olvida a quien se ama todavia'
No puedo olvidarte..

Por mas que intento desatarme de tu piel
por mas que busco renunciar a tu querer
solo consigo amarte mas...
Por mas que intento imaginar que fue mejor
por mas que busco consolar al corazon,
solo consigo amarte mas...
Amarte duele y no lo puedo evitar...

Sigo sin poder olvidarte...
Tu cuerpo, tu sonrisa,
tu forma de ser... no puedo olvidarlos...

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011


Instinto, destino
los sentimientos que no pude describir con palabras se iluminan en lo mas profundo de mi alma
esos sentimientos que me unian a ti, eso que me esclavizaba a seguir tus ordenes y que no me dejaba dormir
eso que todos llamamos amor, pero que acaban en obsesion

Diciendo cosas que odias cuando realmente te gustan
haciendo cosas que dices no querer acer cuando te mueres por ello
actuando falsamente como alguien que no eres
todo eso, y mas, solo para gustar a tu hombre...


no te dejes llevar por lo que pueda pensar, si no te quiere tal y como eres, no te merece
no cambies tu ser por nada del mundo, siempre abra alguien que te entienda
te quiera y te proteja de esos q intentan cambiarte

con esto solo digo: DESPIERTA!
I love you
you are my everything
in this wide, miniature green garden
i'm sofocating
i'm crazy about you
i'm drowed in my love for you
you became my paradise
your kiss leaves me breathless and sttunned
i fall into a delirium
and became adicted by you

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Una carta nunca enviada...

I hope in a non away future i can show you this letter...
Only yours... to David

28/01/2011 Jueves
Sabes? Hoy soñe cntigo, m sentia muy feliz x q stabamos cn los dl patio y stabamos pasandolo bn y riendo juntos.
De repente stabamos solos los dos, en las rocas d una playa, (ya se q es un panorama extraño pero asi son los sueños), el caso es q bajabamos d la roca al suelo y tu stabas mas cerca dl mismo, te paraste antes d bajar y te sentaste en el borde, puede que estubieras esperandome, o simplemente estabas ahi sentado pero m acerq por detras tuyo y te abrace, tu giraste un poco la cabeza y te sonrrojaste, me preguntaste: 'que aces?' con una gran sonrisa, yo tambien sonreia, tenia ganas de besarte pero m contuve y solo te bese en la mejilla. Tras ello te sonrojaste aun mas y tu sonrisa se amplio, pero tus ojos estaban serios,
me decidi a decirte lo que sentia y, agarrandote mas fuerte te dije: ' te quiero'.
Todo ello basto para agarrar suave y tiernamente tu cara, cuando nuestros labios estaban proximos a tocarse en un beso que seria tu primero, abri los ojos y me maldije a mi misma, no creo que vuelva a soñar con algo tan dulce como ese sueño, tanto que parecia de verdad.
Realmente deseo que hubiese sido real... ¿Y tu?

29/01/2011 Viernes  1:00
Hoy Javi me ha echo saber que la mayoria de la gente cn la que solemos salir se dio cuenta d que me gustas, o puede que fuese x el revuelo que paso el 11 de dic. No creo que olvide nunca ese dia, puesto que la noche del mismo comence a enamorarme de ti, siendo sincera casi no pude dormir en casa de Yani...
Tambien he confirmado con el ex de mi prima Jacobo que para no sentirme mal cuando pienso en tu inocenncia (lo unico malo que tiene la misma), me apoyo mucho en mis sentimientos que tengo por ti.
Cada vez tengo mas claro que te quiero, que quiero enseñarte que es el amor, como se siente y ser la primera chica con la que sales, me gustaria oirte decir que me quieres y que quieres quedar cnmigo muchos dias, ya que casi no nos vemos.
Lo que si tengo claro es que te quiero y q t lo dire cuanto antes pueda. Tambien espero verte mañana...

30/01/2011 Sábado   0:47
Hoy en karate he pensado que tenia ganas de verte y he dado lo mejor de mi para el entrenamiento, he comido cn mi abuelo que staba malo y se le vi muchisimo mejor.
M contestaste al mensaje q t habia mandado ayer y eso m izo muy feliz.
Hacia mucho q no ablaba mucho cntigo y queria decirte lo que sentia pero m daba mucha verguenza...
En el patio hubo asamblea como recordaras, te nominaron a la paloma y te la entregaron, realmente la mereces, espero no tardar en conseguir yo la mia a pesar d q aun no m han nominado, m intento esforzar mucho para ser ejemplo para pequeños y para star unida cn mi grupo y creo q poco a poco lo consigo.
Una vez acabada la misma m dijiste q irias con alguien a madrid para ver algo q no m acuerdo q nombre tenia y eso m apeno un poco puesto q tenia ganas d verte y ablar cntigo. Weno, de toas formas lo pase bn cn el resto....

31/01/2011 Domingo
Nada en especial... He comido en casa d mis abuelos y mi pesada prima Paloma m a preguntado x ti y luego fui a casa d los otros abuelos a entregarles una tarta.
Espero q les haya gustado...

01/02/2011 Lunes 19:51
Otra ves nada especial, he ablado mucho con Maria en el cole y he bajado al centro cn mi ermano.
M gustaria q algun dia quedasemos y fuesemos al centro, otra opcion seria q el destino nos iziera encontrarnos alli...

Otro dia muy alejado d aquellosno se si todo el amor q quise tranmitir aqui merece la pena...

03/06/2001 Viernes 20:55
Uff... tiempo ha pasado desde que escribi todo esto... me rio de mi misma y de mi confianza en haber salido con el algun dia y haberle enseñado esto ^^
la idea de salir con el me gustaria, pero parece imposible, espero realmente que encuentre una buena chica cn la que experimentar el amor ^^
mucho ha pasado, te he llevado chocolate en San Valentin a tu casa y encima te tube q esperar a que llegaras... te he dicho que te quiero, pero tu has dicho gracias y te has ido... te he intentado seducir, pero tu solo actuastes inocentemente y no te enterastes...
Ha pasado tanto y tanto tiempo que he conocido a alguien mejor... no mejor... mas bien que sabe corresponderme... el vive lejos y mucho mas que tu... pero lo que siento no lo puedo cambiar...

Con  todo esto que te escribo... solo te digo Adios
Una vez cuelgue esto en el blog, no quedara prueba alguna en mi ordenador de esta carta que ha sido un derroche de tiempo y un fracaso en mi corazon...

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011


It was 7.30 in the morning and I was prepared to go to school pretty early to finish some kaichou works. When I skip  out of the silent house I surprised  myself when I saw Usui in front of the garden's door, so I said:
-What are you doing here? Are you stupid? Why haven't you stayed at home?
-I can't sleep, I came here 'cause I was bored and I wanted to come to your side.
I felt hot, I thought that I had blushed, I felt dizzy too. He had started crazy today.
-Let's go then, have you eaten anything?
-No, I forgot.
-Would you like some?- I offer him a little cake.
-OK thanks. My lady. I won't ever forget it.
-Don't make a film 'bout it, stupid Usui...
-Mmm, chocolate. Lovely!!
-Do you like it? Let me taste.- I bit the same place where he had bitten and he smiled.- Mmm!! It's really good!!... What are you smiling at?
-It was an indirect kiss, Misa-chan.
-It's like we haven't kissed yet... Stupid Usui!!- I blushed more than some minutes ago.- You're embarrassing  me...
-I'm sorry Misa-chan. It's only the true way of saying it, you see? And you also know I like seeing you blushing.
-Yeah... Let's move quickly, I don't want to wake my mother and my sis.
-Ok, let's go- he put his arm round my shoulders.- Chess, How cute could you be Misa-Chan?- he kissed her on her cheek.
-Don't be so exaggerated ...- I was so red and shy.
-Hey! You!! Let Misa-chan go!!
-Huh??- Both, Usui and me said at the same time and turned back-  Hinata?- Continued Misa-  Who are you talking to?
-Usui-kun, let her go! Don't harass her!- he said in anger.
-What are you saying? I'm not doing anything bad. Am I, Misa-chan?
-No... It's anything bad, Hinata-kun?
-His arm! Why are you embracing her?
-Can't I? Are you hearing her complaining?
-No... but, Misa-chan. Doesn't it bother you? – this time he said it sadly.
-No, It doesn't.
-But why?
-Why don't you stop bothering us?- He embraced my head sweetly and seeing that he wasn't going he shouted- You are the one who isn’t wanted here!! Don't you see? I'm getting bored of your stupid games. Go away.
-Usui, don't yell at him, there is no need, he understands you perfectly fine. Please, Hinata-kun, would you please leave us alone? Really, he's not bothering me... Don't worry about it, it's ok?
-You're acting so strange, why don't you get mad with his harassment?
-Don't you see? Maybe you don't want to? Let's think about it, Hinata-kun. We are going first.

We walked some meters in the school direction and Hinata run away from there, we continued our path without saying a word. Some minutes later he broke the ice and said:
-So, what were we talking about?- I smiled.
-I can't remember, would you like to remind me?
-Mmm, I really... Maybe you prefer me to show you...- said at the time he catches her face and bring near his in a sweet kiss.
-Were we really talking about kisses?
-Yeah, indirect or direct kisses, what do you prefer?
-Obviously... Oh! I won't say...
-Ha, ha, ha, I think I prefer them too.- smiled.
We let time go by the way and we arrived to school at 7.45, since our kiss we hadn't talked about the problem with Hinata, so I remembered and  I asked Usui.
-Why was he mad about?- he already know who I was talking about and answer.
-Didn’t he confessed you his feelings? He was nervous about what could I do to you, he don’t want me to be so close to you because he knows my feelings, and I think, now, he knows yours… That’s why he asked if you were mad about me so close to you.
-Isn’t it ridiculous? Isn’t it obvious? All my friends in school, Sakura, Shizune and the people of the café, have asked me about it, and included the stupid trio… Why didn’t he find it out? Isn’t he more than a problem?
-I think the same way Misa-chan. You’ve seen so late…
-Ok, I won’t worry about that, now, you already know I only l…
He lay down one of his fingers sweetly on my mouth and said:
-Don’t say such things when we can be heart by someone not welcome on the conversation.
-Is anyone hearing us?
-Only prevision Misa-chan. Calm down and start working.
He kissed me on my forehead and sit on his council sit, like he always do.

We stayed like that an entire hour, then we started talking about the girls that confessed to Usui and I felt so jealous.
-I’m surprised, I’ve never seen you jealous about that kind of things, do you love me so much now?
He approach to me  and put his lips on mine, but suddenly, in the middle of the kiss, Yukimura, the vice-press, came into the room and we jumped and quickly separate from each other.
-Hi guys, I don’t know you were here! It’s so early, haven’t you pass the night here, or maybe do you?
-No! Are you crazy? We arrived at eight to ten. Only a lost minded could do something like that!
-Maybe you want to pas the night both alone, and on your houses there were your parents…- he started imagining strange things.
-No! Why would we do something like that? It’s so…
-Aren’t you dating?- he interrupt her.
Doki-doki-doki, my heart was beating so fast and strong.
-W—W—Why do you say something like that----?
-Isn’t obvious? All days Usui came here you shouting  at him and not a while ago you stopped doing and began being happy about it.
-Is it that obvious?- asked Usui.- Maybe you are the one who thinks like that, Yukimura-kun.
He looked at him with persuading eyes saying  to him to didn’t tell anyone, it does it more obvious than it was, but he replied:
-The secret is secure with me, but, why don’t you want anyone to know?
-‘Cause if they knew the demon kaichou was with the most popular boy in the school, the rest of the boys would be angry because I will be less strict with him and the girls that confessed him  will be jealous if I do mine the boy they love.
-But it’s cause you love him too, don’t you? Don’t you have the right to have a boy you love?
-Y--- I---, well, but I’ll be so embarrassing  too…
-Why? Love is something natural, Misa-Chan, and more if it’s with the man who have said to you sweet words like the ones I’ve said so many times before  you shouted at me…- he pretend being sad, but quickly change to a smiling face.
-Stop it!…Do you really think so, Usui? Was I so bad girl? – I really said sadly.
-Of course I’m joking Misa-Chan – he smiled at me stronger- it’s one of your bests things, Misa, I love when you get embarrassed and quick me like a pervert, don’t you think so Yuki… mura? Where has he gone?
-Oh! You are right, he has gone! Can be that he have imagine he’s not welcome here? It will be so embarrassing, if it’s like that…
-Then, why don’t we approach the situation? When Yukimura entered we were disturbed, would you like to continue when we let?
-Wait a moment Usui- I looked out of the room: “There’s no one”.
I came towards Usui and he sit myself on his lap and kiss me passionately. Suddenly we hear  some footsteps and there was Yukimura again, he said he had gone helping some teachers on the director’s hall.
-Sorry, I’m disturbing you? Have I disturbed again? I’m going now.
-Don’t  worry about us, Yukimura-kun.